The SeeSaw Canal Challenge: June 14th

The SeeSaw Canal Challenge: June 14th

Regular price £30.00 Sale

The Canal Challenge

25miles, 12.5miles or 4miles

This is your chance to take on an amazing trek along the canal towpath connecting Oxford to Banbury. We challenge you to take on this unique quest in celebrating the 25th anniversary of SeeSaw
Your phenomenal efforts will make a huge difference in helping support the work of SeeSaw, which "provides support for children, young people and their families in Oxfordshire when they have been bereaved or when somebody close to them is terminally ill."

We would love it if you would consider raising even more funds for SeeSaw by creating a JustGiving page, by visiting the SeeSaw 25th Anniversary Page, and collecting sponsorship for this challenge. Every extra amount raised will go directly to support bereaved children and young people in Oxfordshire. £25 could pay for a Happy Self journal for a child. £170 could fund a clinical worker for a day. £575 could fund support for a family pre-bereavement.


25mile Oxford Canal Challenge
to Banbury
12.5mile Oxford Canal Challenge
to Heyford
4 Mile Oxford Canal Challenge
to Begbroke via Magical Fairy Lane
All 3 challenge walks will start from the same location in Wolvercote early in the morning. They will set off on the same route, following the Oxford Canal, a truly beautiful waterway, winding through quaint villages and a stunning stretch of countryside. This provides an unbelievably tranquil portal, hidden away below the hustle and bustle of Oxfordshire's major town and city. With a number of pubs along the canal, there will be plenty opportunity to stop and rest for a while, before carrying on along the easy to follow towpath. 


The Details:

  • 4 mile walk: 8:00am registration; 8:30am start in Wolvercote
  • Rating: Easy (explained here)


Getting to the walk start:

Please use public transport where you can to avoid blocking residentials areas in Wolvercote. Buses can can drop you on the Woodstock Road, close to where the Challenge is planned to start (exact location details to be released ASAP). The Pear Tree Park and Ride provides the cheapest parking in the area and a 5 minute bus ride away.

There is a large car park at the far end of Wolvecote, but this is more expensive and a 15 minute walk from the start.

Returning Home:

You are welcome to be picked up or find your own way home. However the beauty of the finish points in Banbury and Heyford is that they are both connected back to Oxford by train. From Oxford train station it is a short bus journey back to the Challenge start or the Pear Tree Park & Ride.
The return from Begbroke back to Oxford at the end of the 4 Mile Challenge can be made using the S3 bus from opposite the Royal Sun in Begbroke. It leaves every 30 minutes and stops at both the Pear Tree Park & Ride and near the walk start at Wolvercote.



There will be numerous marshalled check-points at the various pubs on the route to provide well earned rest stops, as you wind your way along this epic challenge. The support team members will be there to welcome you along the way and check everyone is doing well.



Health & Safety Application Form: If you have not already (or if circumstances have changed), please complete the participant health & safety form at this link, so we know how best to look after you.

A WHATSAPP group will be created to share info and photos on the day. In signing up to the event you are agreeing to be added to this group, which will contain other participants. This is necessary so that details can be shared in the run up to the event, including last minute changes, reminders or cancellations.

Charity involvement: many of our walks are being run in partnership with charities. As such, sign up information is shared with the charity involved for the purpose of running the event and communicating its purpose, which is to help raise awareness and funds for the charity. By signing up, you are agreeing to receive information from Get Outdoors and the charity. 

Booking Terms & Conditions (Including cancellation policy): are found here. PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A BOOKING.

Kit: Packed lunches, plenty of snacks, suitable walking boots/footwear (trainers are not ideal), multiple layers and waterproofs (including trousers!) are essential. The weather can turn cold and wet at any time of year.

While on the walk: please follow instructions and guidance from the Get Outdoor and SeeSaw support team, who have the final decision in all instances.

Parking/Public Transport Charges: may apply. Good idea to bring cash/change.

Dogs: are welcome on the walk, but are entirely the owner's responsibility, must have a lead and be under close control at all times. Please check your accommodation's policy.

Livestock: If encountered do not walk too close or get between a cow and calf. If threatened, let go of your dog so it can escape and reduce the risk to yourself.

Public rights of way: please keep to them and respect the landowner’s property at all times.

Countryside walking: can often include hills and uneven terrain. Our group ethos is to support everyone in group to achieve their maximum potential in terms of completing the route, regardless of pace.

Health: please consult your doctor if you are at all worried about your fitness and ability to take part. Please inform the walk leaders, Get Outdoors, of any underlying health conditions that may affect your walking ability before signing.

Problems: on the day call Chris (Get Outdoors): 07885157903


Sign up for Future Walk Info:

"Like" the Get Outdoors Facebook Group for the latest walking dates.

Submit your email address below to receive reminders and information on walks we have coming up.

Join us for a hike in beautiful places like the Brecon Beacons, Cotswolds, Malverns, Chilterns, Peak District and Oxford. The perfect way to start your training for a challenge like a 3 Peaks or simply to get out into the countryside, while being sociable.


We only regret the opportunities we don't take...



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