The Charities We Support

Changing the lives of children with neurodisabilities.
Every child with a neurological condition like cerebral palsy has unique potential, they have their place in the world and a full life to live. At Pace, we make it happen.
See the events we support them with here

SeeSaw provides support for children, young people and their families in Oxfordshire when they have been bereaved or when somebody close to them is terminally ill.
See the events we support them with here

Supporting people living with sight loss and a range of other disabilities to go beyond expectations. We believe that, wherever they are, everyone has the right to an independent and fulfilling life.
See the events we support them with here

Development of sustainable projects for children in crisis.
Especially girls, in Sri Lanka and Nepal through local partners. Protection and support of children by strengthening families to prevent abandonment. Reunification of siblings and reintegration with family to break the cycle of institutionalisation. Access to quality education for the most vulnerable children to unlock potential.
See the events we support them with here

The Fire Fighters Charity offers specialist, lifelong support for members of the UK fire services community, empowering individuals to achieve mental, physical and social wellbeing throughout their lives.
See the events we support them with here

They train clever dogs to help deaf people. To alert them to important and life-saving sounds they would otherwise miss – such as the smoke alarm, alarm clock and even a baby's cry. Being aware of these – thanks to a hearing dog – makes a real difference to deaf people’s lives, and can even save them.
See the events we support them with here
Supporting people affected by major trauma.
"provide practical and emotional support, alongside NHS clinical care, for patients and their loved ones. From day one and for as long as people need us. There are around 20,000 major trauma cases in England and Wales every year and the average age of patients is just under 40 years old. With more people surviving major trauma, there is a greater need to provide holistic support so that everyone can make the best possible recovery."
See the events we support them with here